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Vacancies in Assisi School

ANNUAL SPORTS MEET INFINITO 2K22 – The Annual Sports Day 2022 was held on November 19th in a very beautiful style. Our day’s chief guest was  Mr. Naveen Shetty, a senior national volleyball player and coach. The principle and management sisters, as well as the primary guest, were led by the band team to the area where the four houses (Red – St. Clare, Blue – St. Joseph, Green – St. Antony, and Yellow – St. Francis) reassemble the patrons’ name. A wonderful dance style was performed, March past was displayed, and the incredible prayer dance opened the ceremony. On a class-by-class basis events were conducted.  Children competed in the meet with great vigour and sportsmanship in all of the final events.   Overall Championship was bagged by St. Clare (Red) House.