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Vacancies in Assisi School

Student Dress Code

• Students are expected to come to school in proper and neat school uniform without fail.

• The school uniform is compulsory on all school days and at school functions. It is the duty of the parents to see that students come to school neatly dressed in the prescribed uniform.

• No items of dress other than the prescribed ones in the prescribed form will be permitted in the classrooms and
school premises. For example, hats, caps, sunglasses, jeans and so on are among the prohibited ones.

• Girls who have long hair must plait their hair in two with white ribbons. Fancy clips, nail polish, ornaments, anklets, bangles and flowers should not be worn in school.

• Boys must have short hair cuts.

• Shoes should be polished daily.

• Students are allowed to wear colour dress on their Birthdays only for Grade – KG to V

• Colour Dress is strictly prohibited for Grade 6 to 10 on their Birthday’s.

• No student must have overgrown nails. Nails must be regularly and neatly cut.

• Students must keep their skin healthy by avoiding tattooing and other unhealthy beautification.